Archive for Salads

Kicking 2013 off right with Mason Jar Salads

Every year the same New Year’s resolutions are made….and kept, with the best of intentions…..for about a week! LOL This is not just me I’m talking about here and you know it! The biggest one I hear of is people wanting to be healthier….eat healthy and exercise more. I’m gonna tell ya, sticking to that is hard work! And even with the best of intentions, its not always gonna happen! So…. I’m gonna see how long I can last this year! I don’t know where the time goes every morning when I’m getting ready for work (obviously its NOT cause I’m sitting here writing blogs, cause Ive been slacking lately. OH! Another NY resolution! LOL) Anyhow….I feel terrible when I don’t have time to fix something for hubs to take to work for lunch…. I mean, a guy can only eat so many lean pockets right?! LOL  So I saw this idea on Pinterest (yes that handy little devil of a website that is totally addicting and steals all my time! You KNOW what I’m talking about here right?!) And I thought….ohhhh yeah! I could SO do that! So…. a little jaunt over to Walmart for supplies….. and a huge mess in the kitchen…..viola! Success!! And I’m DONE with the entire weeks meals. Mason Jar SaladsNot only did I make the lovely mason jar salads for lunch, but I did smaller ones with layered fresh fruit! SO cute! LOL So….breakfast, lunch and 2 snacks are packed and ready to go for the rest of the week. Now if I can just make myself overcome my sheer exhaustion when I get home from work and make something good and healthy for dinner (like i USED to….this aging thing is CRAP i tell ya! LOL). These jar salads are totally customizable too….you really cant go wrong….unless you’re a picky eater (ahem, I wont mention any names but you know I’m talking about you! LOL) So have fun with them… and enjoy. Good luck with your own new years resolutions! 🙂